G - Gray hair. Ugh, I have been battling gray hair since I was about 16 years old. Going through this last pregnancy, I feel like it has gotten so much worse! It has popped up all over, and TONS of it! I used to have only a few gray hairs and I could dye it and all would be good. Now, I feel like every time I turn around, a new hundred or so have appeared. For goodness gracious sakes, I'm only 31. I should NOT hav this much gray in my hair.
I was talking to my mom and she reminded me that I did pump out four kiddos and am now staying at home with three everyday...almost all day long...{cue music} all by myself, don't wanna be, all by myself.

I was talking to my mom and she reminded me that I did pump out four kiddos and am now staying at home with three everyday...almost all day long...{cue music} all by myself, don't wanna be, all by myself.