Friday, December 27, 2013

Janine from Confessions...

Who's the BEST Secret Santa?  Oh, that's right, my sponsor, Janine!  Janine writes over at Confessions of a Mommyaholic and I used to co-host Finish the Sentence Friday with her.

Dawn's Disaster {DD}: What is your name? 
Janine {JH}: Janine Huldie
DD: What is the name of your blog/store/company? 
DD: Who inspires you while blogging?  
JH: My husband and my kids are my biggest inspiration for blogging.
DD: What is your favorite sport? 
JH: Soccer now that my girls play it!  
DD: What is your favorite thing to eat? 
JH: Love anything Mexican, especially fajitas and quesadillas.
DD: When did you start blogging? 
JH: September 2012
DD: Where is your favorite place? 
JH: There truly is no place like home, but if I could dream right now I would love to be anywhere that is warmer.  I live in NY and it is winter.  Truly not a fan of this season and the cold.
DD: Why did you start blogging?  
JH: To have an outlet and something for myself.

DD: Do you have kids? 
JH: Yes 
DD: What age(s)?  
JH: Emma is 4 years old and Lily just turned 3.  My girls are 16 months apart.

Be sure to stop over and see Janine!

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