This series originally aired in BBC is a sparkling adaptation of Joyce Dunbar's classic stories about practical Mouse and capricious Mole. Mouse and Mole live together in a little cottage in the country. Mouse is practical and cheerful. Mole gets into scrapes and needs mollycoddling. Their everyday adventures appeal to adults and children alike. the charm of the stories lies in the endearing friendship of the two central characters and the humor of their exchanges.
Your children will delight in the everyday adventures of these lovable companions as they help each other navigate through good times and bad. Each colorfully animated story playfully explores the joys and complexities of friendship. Bursting with warm humor from start to finish, these universal and timeless stories are a treat for the whole family.
Preposterous Puddle
Tidying Up
The Daffodil
Least Expecting
The Picnic
The Hammock
Half A Banana
Catch A Falling Leaf
Appropriate for ages 3 & up!
Review from Dawn's Disaster:
All three of the Beanie Babies watched most of the episodes on the DVD we received. Since they are short episodes, the Big One and Ms Middle were able to watch all of them. Little Baby on the other hand only had attention for about three at a time.
The two rodents {Mouse and Mole} are best friends. They have wonderful adventures together in the short stories. While the quality shows the time difference from 1997 to now in filmography, the Beanie Babies still were engaged while it was playing. I would recommend this DVD to the younger ages. The Big One, at age 7, is probably towards the top of the age range. She stayed engaged, but didn't ask to watch it again. Ms Middle seemed to really enjoy it.
"The mouse is my favorite. Mouse likes the sames things I do"
~Ms Middle, age 4
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