Treat' Cyber Monday sale went so well that they extended the code CYBERTREAT through Wednesday. You can save 30% on their already discounted card packs for two more days.
You can literally do all of your holiday greeting cards with Treat, and make each one of them completely personalized!
What is the Treat Card Club?
It's a really cool way for you to get major discounts (Up to 60% off through Wednesday) and save a ton of time at checkout by pre-ordering greeting cards in bulk.
Here are the Cyber Monday Prices:
18 Card Pack: $1.39/card, 60% Off Regular Card Price
12 Card Pack: $1.57/card, 55% Off Regular Card Price
6 Card Pack: $1.74/card, 50% Off Regular Card Price
The more cards you send, the more you save with the Treat Card Club.
Treat offers three card packs (6, 12 or 18 cards) which provide significantly greater value (personalized card) and lower cost per card than what you could expect to pay for a generic greeting card at retail.
You can use the cards in your packs to create and send any card from the Treat collection any time you want. And, redemption of cards can be applied during any current or future card purchases. Once you use up all the cards in the pack, Treat makes it easy for you to replenish your card stock if you'd like.
Treat's card plans take the hassle out of buying and sending cards, and they make it super easy, crazy fun, and totally personal to create a card for someone special. Treat takes care of the rest.
So check them out today to take advantage of this amazing deal.
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