This is a great way for me to learn more about my bloggy friends and to help promote their blog. So, once you're read their fantastic post, stop by their blog and leave them a note. Tell 'em you stopped by from Dawn's Disaster :) If you'd like to be a part of my Traveling Tuesdays, give me a holler or stop by my contact page!
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Hi! I’m Kate. I'm a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom to my three kids (8, 6, and 3). I write a humor blog over at Can I Get Another Bottle of Whine With My Morning Quiet Time? Also, known as the most ridiculously long blog title in the history of blogging. I’m also Dawn’s cousin. Pity her.
I started my blog in 2006 to document the adoption of our three children, adopted from China. Over the past year it morphed from an adoption blog into a humor blog. I blog three to four times per week about anything I can think of that someone might find remotely funny, especially if it embarrasses me or my husband, such as: My Husband's Make-out Tape, the 10 Grossest Things I've Caught My Kids Doing, and letters to Naked Barbie Dolls Laying in My Hallway. So come by and laugh with me (or more likely, at me).
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A problem I came up against as I changed the focus of my blog from adoption to humor was coming up with things to write about. Even though I only post three to four times per week, some days I still find myself sitting in front of my computer with my lower lip dragging on the keyboard, staring at my HootSuite, watching tweets scroll by, wondering why nobody has retweeted me, when in actuality I've written nothing to be tweeted in the past three days.
So, this is where writing prompts come in handy (as well as turning off HootSuite). Today, I’m sharing with you some of my favorite writing prompts, as well as some that are new to me, that I hope to try soon.
Blog Hops with Writing Prompts
Monday Listicles – Stasha gives a topic for a list of 10, then you come back the following Monday and link up. I do this one every week. This is a great hop with a lot of activity.
Theme Thursday Link-up – A theme is posted each week and you come back to link up your post the following Thursday.
Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop – Writing prompts sent directly to your inbox. Then you can link up your post on Thursday in the hop.
Friday Letters – This one is pretty popular and can be a lot of fun to write and read other’s posts, especially when writing a disgruntled letter – extra funny!
Five Minute Friday – A very popular “five-minute writing flash mob” .
Friday Fives Writing Prompt – Answer five questions she lists.
Other Writing Prompts
30 Day Blog Challenge – I saw this at Lashes & Beard a few months ago and started it. I work on it when I’m able (Dawn has started AND completed it) . I hope to finish it by the end of 2021, if I'm lucky. Others are My ABC's and a 30 Day Music Challenge, which Dawn has completed and currently working through now.
Firsts – I started a series of “firsts”. I try to post one every Tuesday. First kiss, first car, first job, etc. Think of all the “firsts” you can share about.
Plinky – Gives a new writing prompt everyday. – A new writing prompt everyday. If you don't like the one you see, click the button and another prompt will pop up.
Do you know of other sites to get writing prompts? Leave them in the comments.