This is a great way for me to learn more about my bloggy friends and to help promote their blog. So, once you're read their fantastic post, stop by their blog and leave them a note. Tell 'em you stopped by from Dawn's Disaster :) If you'd like to be a part of my Traveling Tuesdays, give me a holler or stop by my contact page!
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Hey y'all! My name is Claudia and I blog over at Lashes & Beard. That's my little corner of the blogosphere where I write a lot about my faith, delicious food, my wonderful family, and anything that inspires laughter and creativity. You'll find most of what I write has equal measures of humor, observation, and sarcasm. Beyond the blog, I'm both blessed and humbled to call Josh my husband, Isaiah my son, the Pacific Northwest my home, and Jesus Christ my Savior. Aside from writing, I love to read, bake, and dabble in a bit of photography.
I'd like to thank Dawn for inviting me to be part of her "Traveling Tuesdays" Series! I took the title of the series quite literally, so today I'm sharing some vacation tips with you all that have been tested and proved. I hope you find them useful in your upcoming trips and that they save you time, stress, and a penny or two.
Check your vacation spot's LivingSocial/Groupon page.I'm a LivingSocial junkie, and why not? There are always outstanding deals on there - more often than not, for cool restaurants and fun local activities. So before you set out on your vacation, sign up for the LivingSocial deals for that area. When a deal comes up that you like, snag it! Just make sure that the deal will still be valid during the time that you'll be in the area.
| We got a great deal on a 4-Hour ATV Tour Package | |
Check Craigslist.Most people only know Craigslist for its "For Sale" and "Jobs" pages, but there's much more to it. Look under "Community" and "Events" before setting out on your trip and see if there are any activities happening while you're there. Oftentimes you can find author readings, free day passes to museums, or classes that are offered for free or on the cheap.
Eating out is expensive!A big part of vacationing for us is trying the food of the local area. However, that doesn't mean you have to blow all your spending money by eating out every night. Try booking a room in a condo or timeshare, where cooking utensils and dishes are usually supplied, then head out for a local Farmer's Market or produce stand. You'll find foods that are in season in that area. If you've never cooked with these foods before, ask the seller for recipes or preparation tips - they're always more than happy to help. You'll save money by buying fresh ingredients and preparing it yourself, but you'll also get to savor that local cuisine in a new and interesting way.
| One of the many local Farmer's Markets on Kauai |
Make a Bucket List.Josh and I have four bucket lists: one for me, one for him, one for things to do as a couple, and one for things to do as a family. Gather up your list(s) and see if anything on them can be done where you're going on vacation. For example, if I've always wanted to ride a trolley and I'm going to San Francisco... well, lookie there! I just got to cross something off my list. Likewise, if you've always wanted to learn how to juggle, or go on a fishing boat to catch some marlin, or hike to the top of a mountain... why not do it somewhere fun and unexpected? Sure, you might be able to do those things in or near your hometown, but doing it on vacation will make your trip that much more memorable!
Thank you again to Dawn for allowing me this opportunity. I hope you'll come visit my blog sometime soon and say hi! Also feel free to stop by my Facebook and Twitter pages.
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