This is a great way for me to learn more about my bloggy friends and to help promote their blog. So, once you're read their fantastic post, stop by their blog and leave them a note. Tell 'em you stopped by from Dawn's Disaster :) If you'd like to be a part of my Traveling Tuesdays, give me a holler or stop by my contact page!
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Hello Dawn's Disaster readers!
I am Megan and I blog over at Just a Small Town Girl and that's what I am-a girl from a small town in Alabama who is now living in a bigger city in North Carolina. I basically blog about my life and the things I think, create, and do along the way. I am so excited that Dawn asked me to share with you today.
I want to tell you about something that is very near and dear to my heart.
Before this year, I'd never given adoption a lot of thought. Sure, I knew people who had adopted and I even knew some people who were adopted.
I had always thought that I would adopt if I was unable to have children.
This all changed when I found a pin on Pinterest that led me to this family's blog. This family is in the process of adopting 4 children! Something inside of me changed. I suddenly had a desire to help families like this one. So, I found more blogs and read more families' stories.
I began to expand my own blog beyond just my family and friends. I did this in order to reach and connect with more people. All the while knowing that I wanted to reach more people so that I could one day use those connections to help support causes I was passionate about.
While my blog is expanding and I'm learning more about adoption through blogs and books, some more things inside me changed. One day my husband and I were driving somewhere and talking and I just said it. "I want to adopt." I hadn't really given it much thought, I just said it. I kind of surprised myself. So now, my husband and I are praying through when God would have us pursue this method of expanding our family.
For now, though, I'm trying to do my part in helping families who are currently in the adoption process. In case you didn't know-it's very expensive!
Would you like to help too? Of course you would! I have an easy way for you to help.
Ornaments for Adoption is my way to help the Brock family with their domestic adoption.
How does it work? I'm glad you asked.
I will be selling ornaments through December 17. Everyone loves a new ornament on their tree each year and ornaments also make great gifts! Each ornament is custom made and you can get an idea of what I can do from my Facebook page. For more detailed ordering information, you can visit the Ornaments for Adoption page on my blog.
I also have had a post every Monday about adoption. You can catch up on the past Ornaments for Adoption posts here including the post Dawn wrote for me yesterday. I hope you'll join me the next two Mondays as I share more posts about adoption.
If you're interested, I would love to have you help spread the word about Ornaments for Adoption via your blog, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, or Google+. I even have a button on the side bar of my blog.
Thanks again to Dawn for letting me post on her blog today and thank you to her wonderful readers for reading and {I hope} supporting me in this cause.