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Hello Dawn's Disaster readers! I'm Jenna from Call Her Happy. I'm writing to you from MN. It's a good day to blog. I've been blogging for a little over two years now, and while I'm no expert, I have learned a few things along the way. Care if I share?
1. Have a Clean Design
It's really easy to let your blog get cluttered the longer you go on. You'll win awards, grab buttons, get advertisers and much more. Make sure you keep things looking clean so that readers can easily find your content and how to subscribe and so they can have a minimally distracting reading experience. Plus, when you keep your site looking professional, people take you more seriously. You don't have to spend big bucks to do this either; simple coding is actually not that hard. Check out one of my favorite blogs for coding tips and tricks.
2. Turn off Comment Moderation
When no one is commenting on your writing, it can feel like you're writing into a vacuum. While great content is key in this, it is also really important to make sure that commenting is easy for your readers. If they have to jump through hoops, they are less likely to share their thoughts. And, honestly, blogging sites do a pretty darn good job of filtering spam, so just turn off the comment moderation and watch your comments go up.
3. Grow a Thick Skin
If you're writing what you believe, and you are writing relevant, important content, you're bound to anger some people along the way. Always keep your responses professional to those who might leave less than kind comments. It keeps your reputation as a writer clean, and of course, the best way to disarm an attack is to kill them with kindness. And, it is always great to have discussion and back-and-forth on your blog, but sometimes comments can hurt. Growing a thick skin is easier said than done; I most certainly need to work on it. Just remember that people have much more courage when using a keyboard, and often times anger comes from hurt.
4. Write with a Voice
Make sure all of your posts relate to your readers in some way. I have often stopped following blogs because it seemed like an endless slideshow of someone's life who I really didn't know. Post vlogs answering questions from your readers. Pepper your family-related posts with humor and generalities that readers can identify with. Think about skills you have and write how-to posts and recipes. While readers do want to get to know you, they are really interested in blogs that they can relate their own lives to as well. If they aren't "getting something" from your blogs, they are probably going to leave.
5. Make Friends
The best way to expand your blog is to be a part of the community. Make blogging friends. Write and accept quality guest posts. Regularly comment on other blogs with relevant and thoughtful comments. Participate in link-ups and blog swaps. And, of course, use social media to promote your blog as well as other posts you find useful and worth-reading.
If you're just starting out blogging, I hope I was able to help a little. If you're a seasoned blogger, I would love if you shared your tips in the comment section below! Thanks for joining me today.

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