This is a great way for me to learn more about my bloggy friends and to help promote their blog. So, once you're read their fantastic post, stop by their blog and leave them a note. Tell 'em you stopped by from Dawn's Disaster :) If you'd like to be a part of my Traveling Tuesdays, give me a holler or stop by my contact page.
Hello there! I am so excited to be part of Traveling Tuesdays this week! Let me introduce myself...
I am Yolanda, the teen photographer and blogger behind Peanut Butter and Jelly. My little space in the blogosphere where I share my love for nature and random tidbits from my days.
Today I will be sharing some of my favorite photos and tips for nature photography. I hope you enjoy!
Take Lots Of Pictures
My biggest tip, is take a ton of pictures! If I take 100 pictures and only 50% turn out good, thats okay!. Whatever you are taking pictures of, take more then one.
If the scene is beautiful, the camera can't help taking a really good picture! Just make sure the whole picture isn't too busy.
When taking macros, make sure your lens is clean! Too many times I have not noticed that there is something on my lens and then my pictures turn out blurry or a little bit grubby looking.
Taking up close shots is one of my favorite things too do and I am so happy when they turn out well.
Consider using a tripod! This picture turns out pretty well considering I didn't use a tripod. But it was 6:30 in the morning after pulling an all-nighter so I didn't have the energy to take it out.
For the 4th of July I was still a newbie to photography and out of the 200+ pictures I took, not a whole lot of them turned out well. So next time I am going to be using my tripod!
Experiment! Get behind trees or other obstacles to create some cool shots.
With sunsets, silhouettes area favorite of mine. If you haven't tried doing silhouettes before, try it!
I hope you enjoyed! I would love for you to come visit my blog and say hello!
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