I am so excited that I am able to do a review of Beauty Box 5.
am an affiliate of Share-A-Sale. When I saw that they had Beauty Box 5 as one of their participants, I was so excited. I mean, who doesn't love getting new make up? Especially if it comes directly to you in a CUTE little box each month. So, let’s open her up and see what we've received!!
I loved the white sheer powder, by Ferro. I put just a little bit on my cheeks the other night and the Big One asked me why I was SO sparkly. She asked if she could sear some to school the next day, because her best friend would be jealous of her beautiful, sparkly cheeks.
Mascara isn't something I generally use, as my eyelashes are BEYOND short, straight and coarse, but I tried this one on. It was a little hard, since my lashes point downward (and are too short to curl), but I did notice a thickness about them. I applied 2.5 coats. The .5 coat is because I was interrupted mid-coat on the last one. The Beanie Babies were having “melt-down” (as The Hubs says) and needed to get some space from one another.
The final two items included were both “smelly-good” products. This one is a roll-on perfume, with the scent of Cherry Blossoms. It is a nice and light floral scent. The applicator was easy to use and glided on easily. The scent lasted about all work day long.
The other scent is a solid perfume. “Rosebud Salve”. It smells SO good. I could sear this all the time. I almost couldn't take a good clean picture because I wanted to take a “swipe” out and put it right on!
had a fantastic time writing this review for Beauty Box 5 and hope that I can do another one sometime! I hope that you all will want to try out Beauty Box 5. If so, be sure to mention that I sent you over from Dawn’s Disaster!