This is a great way for me to learn more about my bloggy friends and to help promote their blog. So, once you're read their fantastic post, stop by their blog and leave them a note. Tell 'em you stopped by from Dawn's Disaster :) If you'd like to be a part of my Traveling Tuesdays, give me a holler or stop by my contact page.
I have lived in many places and traveled to quite a few places(for me). I hope to travel with my hubby all over when our children are grown. So, I wanted to share some of my favorite photos from a few of the trips. Enjoy. : )
I really love taking snaps every where we go so I can have them forever. I have been to New York(but I haven't scanned those into my computer yet), Michigan, Virginia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Tennessee. Not too many places but we tend to go to the same places over and over. In the next few years my husband and I are planning a trip to New Mexico. I am originally from Mississippi and was born and raised there. My husband was born in Nevada and grew up in New Mexico for a while when he was younger, so it really was remarkable that we crossed paths. I love going to new places, but I really get stir crazy sitting in the car for so long. Sacrifices right! Welp, stop by Consider Me Inspired anytime....I would love to have you. We do Like Me on Facebook every Wednesday with The Naptime Review and Inspirations in Progress every Thursday for any posts that have inspired you lately.
*Thanks Dawn for having me, it was a pleasure! : ) Have a lovely rest of your week guys.