Monday, August 5, 2013

Five Among Friends~Week 8

Five Among Friends
This week's questions are brought to you by: Kate from Just Pirouette and Carry On.

1. If you were going to start you own company, what would it be? 
Well, I did start my own company last year {and a different before that}.  It is a scenting company and we're taking steps to promote it currently.  Check us out Sensory-Scents!

2. Who is the craziest person in your life? 
Probably me.

3. What would the title of your autobiography be? Explain why....?
Title: I Did What?  Because I look back at a lot of my life and think that.  Sometimes good, sometimes bad.

4. What do you lie about? 
My weight.

5. What are you obsessed with right now? 
Duh, blogging.

Did you check out the other Five Among Friends?

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