Yesterday, our church gave out prayer journals to the youth. The Big One thought it was SO cool to get a notebook from the youth director and Ms. Middle was all set to color in it. Now, I know people pray in their own way, but I just can't let them get a hold of this book and ruin it the way they do all their other notebooks and coloring books. It is just a plain composition notebook to write in, but on the inside cover, the youth director glued in a piece of paper to help the kids start their journals.
So, while The Big One is at Kindergarten, I decided to sit down with Ms. Middle and write her answers down, then let her color the rest of the page (probably will so with his The Big One after her homework). Here are her answers:
1) God, something that I am thankful for today is:
I am thankful for picnics and blankets.
2) God, someone who is in need of prayer today is:
Little Baby needs a prayer today.
3) God, something that I need your help with is:
God, I need your help with plants and their leaves.
4) I know that God loves me because:
God, I know you love me because of Santa.
Guess I need to do a little more Christian teaching :D