I am so excited to have this subject! I DID always want to be older. Throughout my whole life, I felt like I had been held back a few years. My friends were always at least a year older than I. Probably the best point in case is my husband. The Hubs is 13 years older than I am. I could never imagine have had married someone the same age as me. It just wouldn't have worked out.
For years I wanted to be older. I wanted to go to college a good two or three years early. I had a taste of it my Sophomore year in high school. My Freshman year, a few of my friends and I were placed in the highest level of Spanish. About mid-year, the Principal looked into hiring a new teacher for us, but financially, it wasn't possible. So, he went to the Superintendent and requested that we be granted early admission to the PSEO (Post Secondary Education Options) program that the school district had with the state University. So, three of my friends and I signed up. We were the first three in the state that had been accepted earlier than a Junior. By the time I was a Senior in high school, I was taking 4 classes at the University and only 2 at my high school.
For years I wanted to be older. I wanted to be a manager at the store I worked at, because I thought I could do a better job than the current manager. Well, it turned out, I was right, and that manager got fired for bad performance, but I was long gone by the time that happened. I had drive. I was the youngest store manager for two different companies and the youngest training store manager for a company by the time I was 24.
...and now I am {older}. I am 32, have 3.5 Beanie Babies, a husband, a growing family owned company (actually two), and a blog. My life is not what I had planned, but it is good. I love my family and our company. I love being who I turned out to be.
Now that I am older, I have learned that you actually need to take your time. You need to let your life go by slowly, so you can inhale all that life has to offer. Recently, my family found out that a dear family member will be leaving us too soon. You can't live going too fast, you need to slow it down. When the Beanie Babies were born, I learned this also. Take more than "enough" time with your kids. They grow up so fast. While the Big One is only 6, she is already so big. She wants to be with her friends, not her family. She wants to go on vacation with Grandma and Grandpa, not her family. She wants to read by herself, and not with me.
Now that I am older, I realize that time is a blessing, not a curse. I hope that others learn to enjoy it, before too much has passed them by.
Thanks for reading, and be sure to check out the other secret subject swap bloggers:
Karen @ Baking in a Tornado
Dani @ Suburbia Interrupted
Stacy @ Stacy Sews and Schools
Josie @ Go Momma!
Teri @ Snarkfest
Pamela @ Macdonald's Playland
Chantal @ Adventures in Hickey Land