You want to know what I think of social media? I think...
...I think some of it's great. I think some of it's not so great. Not too opinionated on social media in general, but certain sites. I am getting used to some of these new ones. Like StumpleUpon? I could use a little help there. I think I'm the only one who's stumbled!
Now, see that fancy new button that lists all my social media outlets in one cute tidy package? I think I like it. Just scroll over it and all of my options come "to life" for you to choose! It's by far the best find of February for me.
I'm a new fan of FourSquare. Friend me if you want to stalk me. I'm on Pinterest, but I don't really know how it works. Anyone want to explain the point to me? I get that you "pin" stuff, I just don't know what to do from there. I'm on Facebook, and I'm totally addicted to games...espeicaly Bush Wacker 2, Candy Crush Saga and SongPop (darn Kate, I am much better at pacing my self now). Let me know if you play! I'm on LinkedIn, though I don't really know what to put for my title. I never thought I'd have Tweeps and all that jazz, but I have founs a liking for Twitter. You'll probably see me mostly on there.
Don't forget to come by next week, the topic is:
I tried to cook...