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Hello! I'm Becca. I blog over at A Humble Bumble. Today Dawn has given me the chance to write a post on her blog. I've decided to use it to offer some motivation.
Do you ever need that extra bit of motivation to get the task done? That extra little push? Or maybe a big shove?
Well, I've got some great motivational quotes to share with you today.
"Keep moving forward."
~Louis (from the movie Meet the Robinsons)
Did you ever see the movie Meet the Robinsons? It's a very cute story and the theme is "keep moving forward." Don't let a set-back get you down. Keep trying.
"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."
~Thomas Edison
I really like this quote. Isn't it so true? The things that take the most work, effort, and perseverance will be the most rewarding in the end. But we mustn't give up in the meantime.
"If you can't run, then walk. And if you can't walk, then
crawl. Do what you have to do. Just keep moving forward and never, ever give
My cousin had this quote on his Facebook and it caught my attention. Goes along with the quote "keep moving forward." Don't give up.
"If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small."
~Proverbs 24:10
And this quote from the Bible. Not sure about you, but often times my strength feels very small. And I want to give up on the task at hand because it isn't easy.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
~Philippians 4:13
That's the Truth I need to keep coming back to. With Christ's power in me, I can do all things. As long as my actions are pleasing to Him, I will succeed. I needn't give up, for He is cheering me on and giving me strength to press on to the end.
In what areas are you needing some motivation? Do you have any quotes of motivation you'd like to share?
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