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Hi everyone!
My name is Niki, and I blog over at Dreaming Is Believing.
I'm a senior in high school, I'm almost 18, I own a cute fur ball named Jake,and I'm preparing for the big transition to university!
I took a decision a while ago, to pursue my dream of studying Psychology in my home country,
The Netherlands.
That means I will have to move from Crete, Greece, where we live right now, to a foreign country all on my own.
You see, my mother is from Dutch origin, and my father from Greek.
Meaning me and my sister were raised having both nationalities, and speaking Greek and Dutch fluently.
So, this year I'm taking a leap of faith and diving head first into the unknown.
My blog is somewhere I can share my thoughts, hopes and dreams, including my fears and the technicalities involved in moving to another country.
I believe adventure is out there.
Stop by my blog and say hi anytime!