We have 4 amazing new co-hosts this month that I am so excited to introduce you to!
I have been following along with their blogs for a while and I am so excited to be working with them!
First of all,
let's get to this week's amazing Featured Read:
Vicky from The Greek Housewife
They received THESE amazing benefits!
As a reminder, if you would like to be a Featured Read
just make sure to follow the rules. ;)
And now on to this month's new co-hosts!
Dawn from Dawn's Disaster

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"Hi! I’m ~dawn, from Dawn’s Disaster. I write about my everyday life, the ups and downs of being a mom, wife, daughter and sister. Blooming is one of my new favorite things to do! I love hopping around and seeing what others are able to create. Sometimes this makes me really jealous and sometimes it inspires me to try something new (like Twitter)."
James from Daddy's Space
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"Hi, my name is James and I run a little Blog called Daddy Space it’s my little corner of the World Wide Web for me and my thoughts. Blogging has become one of my favorite hobbies recently, mainly because my children bring me so much joy and I love sharing that with you. So pop on over and meet Me and my family and say hi."
Meg from Happy Kids, Inc.
Twitter - Facebook - Pinterest - Instagram
"I'm a Mom to three great kids (8, 6, and 4). I have a terrific husband. I have run my own business successfully for 10 years. I've always considered myself a a modern, hip, in-tune, fashionable person. My blog focused on keeping kids (and Moms!) happy healthy in every way. Topics include: healthy recipes, crafts, the arts, exercise, musings.......and martinis!"
Erica from We Three Crabs
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"I am a mom to a busy toddler boy and a wife to an Alaskan Fisherman. My blog is where I share the stories of our adventures."
Ensure that you get notified!
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to your address book. Thanks!
Here's the badge:
your hosts and co-hosts.
Don't forget you can follow GFC via Twitter! :D
Diana from Nanny to Mommy
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Karina from Mom In The USA
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Dawn's Disaster
Daddy's Space
Happy Kids, Inc.
We Three Crabs
Please leave a comment if you are a new follower!
the badge somewhere on your blog.
No Giveaways or Specific Posts, please.
Our hop is open from Thursdays at 12:01am to Wednesday at 11:59pm.
So you can share and link up all week long!
at least the two blogs before yours in the link set-up.
the Hop!
The other cool thing, our hop can be added to your site as well.
If you do this, please leave
Nanny to Mommy a comment so we know. ;) *wink*wink*
The Most Important Rule
Have Fun!
Happy Hopping! :)
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