Thursday, December 20, 2012

Cans4Comments Follow Up Linky

Hello all!  I hope you are on your way to having a fun-filled Christmas week.  I am excited to be seeing family I haven't seen in a year or more!  

Thank you so much to those who participated in Cans4Comments, which ever way you participated!  Here, I received 55 comments and 27 new GFC followers!  Thank you so much!!!!

55 comments = $5.50
27 new GFC = $5.40 (so I rounded to $6.00)
For a total of $11.50!  

Well, $11.50 doesn't buy too much.  So, I got a little more.

3 boxes of cereal
12 cans of beans
4 cans of fruit

Hey, I'm in the spirit!  Check out what everyone else donated:

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