Thursday, July 11, 2013

FTSF~If I Could Go Back...

Finish the Sentence Fridays
If I could go back and do something over it would be...
...going straight through college.  Taking a break was stupid.  At the time, I didn't think it would be so dumb, but it was.  STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!  Got all out of whack and I'm pretty sure I just plain out right got a little dumber. NOT go party before the ACTs.  Although I did quite well, I did GREAT the next time, completely sober. wedding day.  Only because it was so damn hot!  I wouldn't change the ceremony {well, I suppose, I would take out the sweat} or anything, but I would make the date be less hot.  A better weather date :)

I'm sure there are more, but I probably don't know you well enough to share them with you!  What would you do over?  Link it up below.

The sentence for next week is:
In church {or place of worship}. I learned to...

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